Begbrook House, which was at the end of Stearncourt Rd was burnt down in 1913 by the suffragette movement.
It lay derelict until the late 1950's when it was brought by Bristol City Council, they built a house on the site of the derelict house which was used as a nursery home for babies. A year or so later another more modern house was built opposite the older house.
The older house was called Begbrook house (A) and the other house (B)!
I lived in (B) house from 1964 until 1968. It was my 6 star hotel ! The matron in charge at the time i was there was called Miss Peggy Collett who lived in (B) house and the deputy matron, Miss Cath Hodgson lived in (A) house.
They both use to work in Downend Babies Home until it was shut down.
Sister Collett, as we called her then, was and still is,a warm caring lady. Peggy now lives with her friend Mary Nr Cirencester.
If it was not for Peggy's hard work and total devotion to her work i dread to think what may have become of me. She is my hero and will forever be grateful to her.
I lived here until i was 7 . i am now 45
ReplyDeleteSo you were there in the 1980's then?
ReplyDeleteI too was there,from the early 70's. I have only a few memories which was the long driveway that went down to the gate with a large shed/garage to the right and me waking up for the first time in a proper single bed with me being terrified as i felt trapped under the blankets. I must of been only a few years old then,but that memory will always stay with me. I went to Holmwood childrens home a while later. Good to see the original pic of Begbrook house from the 60's on here.
ReplyDeleteAlso i remember going to a nurery nearby where there was a line going through the centre of the concrete playground that devided the pupils age groups. It was near that telecom tower.